2 More Benefits of Laser Dentistry for Fixing Your Child’s Cavities

Laser dentistry helps resolve cavities

Using Laser Dentistry to Treat Cavities

Unfortunately, cavities happen. In fact, most kids will get cavities at some point during childhood or adolescence, and only a mere 10% reach age 20 without a single occurrence of tooth decay. 

The good news is, despite tooth decay being the most prevalent oral health issue in children and teens, it’s highly preventable. You can keep the majority of tooth decay away by instilling excellent oral care habits at home, providing a nutritious diet, and taking them to a pediatric dentist every six months.

If cavities still happen, don’t worry. When caught early cavities can be easily fixed. One method of treatment beloved by parents, children, and dentists alike, is laser technology.

How does laser dentistry for cavities actually work?

Lasers have been used in the medical and dental fields for quite some time, typically for surgical procedures. Naturally, parents often wonder how something like a dental laser can be used to treat their child’s cavities. We’re happy to explain how this is possible.

Dental lasers come in several different types, but all use a combination of air, light, and water to remove either soft or hard tissue. Advanced offices that favor laser technology may have several laser tools available for different purposes. The dentists at Spinnaker Pediatric can choose between a Waterlase or Epic X diode laser, depending on the procedure being done.

Your child’s dentist will use the appropriate laser to deliver a laser energy beam to remove crumbling enamel and decayed tooth debris painlessly. A dental laser beam is extremely precise, even more so than a traditional drill or  surgical scalpel! 

Is laser dentistry always better than traditional methods?

Dental lasers are an incredible dental tool with many unique benefits, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s outrightly the best choice in every single situation.

You’ll find that most pediatric dental practices offer laser dentistry in addition to traditional methods, rather than dental lasers being the only tool available. This is because in some situations, a traditional method of treatment can yield better results, such as in the case of severe decay with a lot of damaged enamel. 

Your child’s dentist will gladly explain when and why a dental laser can be used for cavities and when it can’t. Don’t feel shy about asking questions; our dentists love to chat with parents and ensure they’re 100% informed before treating their children.

What are the benefits of using lasers in kids’ dental care?

Many intrinsic characteristics of dental lasers make them particularly well-suited for kids’ dental care.

One of the most obvious benefits is they offer dentists a way to fix cavities without the need for a noisy drill, and sometimes even the need for numbing injections. Drills and numbing injections can be jarring and alarming for children, so being able to use a very gentle, quiet laser is a huge advantage. 

As children have smaller mouths, the precision of a dental laser makes treating cavities easier for dentists. A laser removes less healthy tooth enamel, allowing the dentist to preserve as much tooth structure as possible. The result is a more stable tooth overall and a smaller filling.

Dental lasers are also inherently sterile. They only touch the tooth being treated and don’t cause abrasions in the way traditional dental tools can do. The risks of infection are much lower in laser dentistry applications, not to mention healing and recovery is much faster!

How do I explain laser dentistry to my child?

Giving your child a brief, age-appropriate explanation of what’s going to happen during their cavity appointment is a great idea. It helps your child feel confident about what’s going to happen and can help relieve some anxiety

If your child hasn’t had a laser cavity treatment before, let them know first that their dentist won’t be using a drill (yay!). This can immediately help a nervous child feel a bit relieved about their upcoming appointment. You can then introduce the idea of a dental laser and explain why they’re so cool. 

Explain that unlike the giant lasers in their comic books or favorite sci-fi cartoons, dental lasers are super small but still powerful. If your child is a Star Wars fan, you might even liken it to a super tiny lightsaber the dentist can use to zap away “sugar bugs” or tooth decay.

Reassure them that dental lasers aren’t noisy and won’t vibrate, and they’ll feel much more comfortable during their visit. We also encourage parents to remind their children that dentists love to teach others about the awesome tools they use, so they can ask questions they have.

How can I find a local dentist that offers laser dentistry?

Laser dentistry is still considered a newer technology. Dental lasers also require specialized training and are a big investment, so not all pediatric dentists have them in their offices. It might take you longer to find a great pediatric dentist that provides laser dentistry, but it’s certainly worth the effort.

Once you do find a pediatric dentist who offers laser dentistry for kids, call and ask them which types of lasers they offer and if they have an option for treating issues, like cavities. You should also look up reviews about the dentist and see what other parents have to say about their care.

If you’re looking for a Salem pediatric dental office that provides advanced laser dentistry, look no further than Spinnaker Pediatric Dentistry. In addition to providing modern pediatric services, we also welcome children with all medical and health needs.

Schedule an appointment for your child today.